American Bar Association (ABA)
Our office is a member of ABA and as such participates to organized events and regularly takes part in presentations.
UICN - Environmental Law Center (ELC)
Our office is a member of the Environmental Law Center (ELC), of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN). In this capacity, the ELC published the UN Environmental Program (UNEP). Food and agriculture Organization (FAO) (Food and Agriculture Organization) uploaded an online library on Environmental Law called en ligneECOLEX.
Alliance Green IT (AGIT)
Our office is a member of the Alliance Green IT (AGIT) and participates to their work and actions. Besides, our office has committed to their charter to commit to make abiding improvements.
Association pour le développement de l'informatique juridique (ADIJ)
Our office is a member of ADIJ (Development of Legal IT Association). Olivia GAST created the Green IT working group, a think tank that often gathers at our office, organizes conferences and exchanges views with other professional organisms.
Numélink (France IT Cluster)
Our office is a member of the France IT Cluster Network, a digital clusters network, and a member of the local network Numélink.
Alliance Université-Entreprise de Grenoble (AUEG)
Olivia GAST is a member of AUEG and participates to meetings and discussions about sustainable development.
Club 3D Rhône-Alpes
Our office is a member of Club des Décideurs du Développement Durable of Rhône-Alps region (Club 3D Rhône-Alps region).