Olivia GAST

You can read her news on her blog, on Twitter @OliviaGAST as well as on LinkedIn.
Olivia GAST is in Who’s Who Legal Franchise since 2016, and in Who’s Who Legal France since 2017. She’s a transactionnal lawyer as well as a litigator for franchisors.
She’s also a Certified and reguarly appointed Mediator and Arbitrator.
Before being a the managing partner and the solicitor that she is today, she first decided to educate herself in a general way in order to be confronted with all kinds of subjects and courts to get a diversified experience.
That is how she was led to plead in many fields such as:
- – criminal law (criminal court, investigating judge, surveillance court, immediate trial, new and former custody systems, Court of Appeal).
- – civil law (commercial court, High Court, enforcement judge, Court of Appeal, labor court, expropriation judge, social security court, judge for juveniles, lower court…)
She also pleaded in administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal.
Along with this strong experience, she perfects her oratorical skills being appointed Second Secretary at the Grenoble Young Bar Conference in 2011 and gives on this occasion a public speech during the Solemn Reassembly of the Grenoble Bar.
With such credentials, she joins the office at the same time and begins a reflection on how to modernize and develop it.
- – Internationalization: application of an international development strategy by activating foreign contacts and an active attendance to international events.
- – Modernization: adoption of remote servers, creation of a digital newsletter and digital information flashes, creation of a renovated website.
- – Development of the environmental activity, new technologies, and Green IT in Grenoble and Paris.
- – Innovation: launch of the electronic pre-contractual information document (eFDD) in March 2014.
Fully bilingual, she spent nearly one year in the United States, in Washington D.C, where she learned the American method in Franchising in an American Law Firm, and in environmental law in an international organization (IUCN).
She regularly takes part as a speaker in international events organized by the International Bar Association, or by the International Franchise Association.
Holder of a Master’s Degree in Business and Taxation Law from University of Paris II – Panthéon Assas, as well as a Master Degree in Business Environmental Law, Security and Quality, she wrote articles about Environmental Law and Green IT, such as programmed obsolescence.
She is also the co-author of a textbook about Environmental Law (Sup’Foucher editions, 2010).
She taught at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines in Master II of Business Environmental Law, Security and Quality.
Finally, she created and leads a workshop on Green IT in ADIJ (Association pour le Développement de l’Information Juridique, Development of Legal Informatization Association) after having given a conference about it in Maison du Barreau in Paris.
She advanced in the universe of franchise from an early age thanks to her entourage, which is how she has learnt to know and appreciate the world of entrepreneurship.
She is the author or many articles published in various international, national and regional medias (ABA, IFA, IBA, IDI), and also on the topic of arbitration.
There is currently one other capitalistic partner who don’t practice in the office. This is a unique boutique firm on the market.