Great news: Macron just revoked a former anti-franchise law!

A brand new Law (March 29th 2018, item 7) just abrogated a former labor-oriented, anti-franchise law item n°64, called “El Khomeri” law, dated August 8th, 2016.



As we formerly reported in different articles, this law made no legal sense, confusing franchisor and franchisees as one big employer when they hit together 300 employees, offering the possibility for their employees as a community to be united in a “social dialogue” union. It was that bad.

It had only been in effect less than a year (since May 4th 2017), and to our knowledge never applied anyway.

All is now back to normal: France is still the number 1 franchise market in Europe, and number 3 in the World !

Link to abrogated item.

#franchise #ElKhomeri #travail #Loi #Instance #dialogue #labor #Macron #abroge #union